Your product.
Your performance.
Our obsession.
At AllChem Performance, we specialise in the supply of industrial raw materials, chemicals and additives across Aerospace, Composites, Inks, Electronics and more.
We provide a unique and flexible approach to customer service throughout your journey with us. We support you in identifying the materials that you need to develop your products, sourcing, storing and ultimately supplying them to your sites.
Our Solutions
August 2024
Everything you need to know about the latest UK REACH revisions
“Chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change.”
This might be a quote from a fictional character – Walter White in Breaking Bad, for those readers who aren’t clued up on their prestige TV dramas – but it’s the most succinct description there is of the chemical sector. Not just of the field of chemistry itself, but of the constant evolution of the industry and the many regulations that govern it
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Our Partners
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Building better roads, for a better economy.
We have a comprehensive range of top-quality additives for use in asphalt production, high performance pigments and dosing systems for the efficient storage, measured dosing and pumping of our liquid additives through our partner ASL.