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July 2024

One CRM – Everyone In: The Oomph focus on accessibility

Picture this. You've just invested in a shiny new CRM system for your SME and loaded up your business-critical data. You have put new processes in place to get the most from it and you’re ready to go.

But members of your team struggle to use it effectively.

Frustrating, right?

One CRM – Everyone In: The Oomph focus on accessibility

We all know how crucial it is to have the right tools at our fingertips. But have you considered whether those tools are accessible to everyone on your team, including those with disabilities or impairments?

At Oomph, we believe that a truly great CRM system should empower all users, regardless of their abilities or challenges. That's why we've been hard at work enhancing our CRM platform to ensure it's not just powerful and versatile, but inclusive too.

Why does accessibility matter?

When was the last time you thought about how your business software impacts team members with visual impairments or reading difficulties? If you're like many businesses, it might have been too long ago.

On the path to digital transformation, we shouldn’t be leaving anyone behind. We understand that in the hustle and bustle of daily operations, accessibility can sometimes take a back seat. But we also know that an inclusive workplace is a more productive, innovative and motivated one.

Developing our approach to accessibility isn't just about making Oomph easier to use for everyone – though that's certainly a key benefit. It's about being part of a much bigger picture. By prioritising accessibility and making it the standard rather than the exception, we're contributing to a fairer, more inclusive world for future generations. It's a commitment that goes beyond our software and speaks to our values as a company.

Our focus on accessible features

We're thrilled to announce a suite of accessibility features that make the Oomph CRM more user-friendly for everyone, including those with disabilities. For example, we've introduced adjustable font sizes across the platform designed for those with visual impairments. For users who find certain colour combinations challenging, we've added monochrome display options. We've also incorporated a dyslexia-friendly font, featuring kerning and spacing modifications that make reading a breeze.

We've added a reading bar to help users focus on specific lines of text, and we've highlighted headings to make navigation more intuitive. Perhaps most excitingly, we've integrated a text-to-speech reader system, opening up new possibilities for users who prefer auditory information processing or those with visual impairments.

These accessibility features aren't just add-ons; they're fundamental to our vision of what a modern and effective CRM should be. We believe that when everyone can use our tools comfortably and efficiently, businesses thrive.

Performance-based accessibility

Of course, accessibility is just one part of our ongoing commitment to improvement. We've been busy over the past few months, rolling out a host of new features and enhancements. Our user interface has had a makeover, making it more intuitive and customisable. We know how frustrating it can be to navigate clunky menus, and that challenge is magnified for those with physical disabilities. So, we've streamlined the experience, allowing users to tailor their dashboard to their specific needs.

We've also supercharged our integration capabilities. Now, you can seamlessly import multiple contacts for customers and suppliers, saving you precious time. Our enhanced integrations with Xero, Gmail, and Office 365 mean that Oomph plays nicely with the other tools in your digital toolbox.

And for those of you who love to dive deep into your data, we've introduced custom reports that let you present information in a way that suits you. We've added an Inventory Management module because we know how crucial it is to keep track of your stock, and for businesses watching their bottom line (and who isn't these days?), we've introduced new pricing options to ensure Oomph remains affordable for businesses of all sizes.

Performance and usability have also seen significant enhancements. Oomph now boasts improved page rendering speeds, resulting in a more responsive and efficient user experience. This increased performance is particularly beneficial for users of assistive technologies, contributing to the overall accessibility of the platform.

We have also adjusted the user interface for specific tasks, to present a more logical flow of information. The Kanban view available on some tasks exemplifies this approach, offering an intuitive visual method for managing workflows. These UI improvements are designed to enhance data comprehension and interaction, making Oomph more intuitive and accessible for all users, regardless of their working style or needs.

At Oomph, we're not just building a CRM; we're creating an all-in-one tool that adapts to your needs, grows with your business, and includes everyone on your team. Because when it comes to choosing the right tools for your business, why settle for anything less than a system that works for everyone?

So, are you ready to put some Oomph into your business operations?

Why not take our accessibility-friendly, feature-packed CRM for a spin with our 14-day free trial? No strings attached, no credit card required – just Oomph at your fingertips.